Artificial Intelligence & Framing Effects
This research area integrates the achievements of social psychology with those of artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop personalized digital communication systems that take into account the framing effects and are aimed at promoting health, well-being and sustainability. Through quick profiling, optimal communication strategies are identified for changing behaviors, respecting the resources and motivations of individuals.
Ongoing Research Projects:

Counterfactuals and Political/Legal Communication
This research area investigates how people develop different alternative representations and explanations of events with political or legal significance, as well as the effects of attacks and defenses on people's reputations. Particular attention is paid to counterfactual reasoning and communication ("If... then..."), a strategic representation of the past that highlights possible alternatives.
Ongoing Research Projects:

Framing Physical Activity
This research area focuses on how to make communication aimed at promoting physical activity more effective. Different ways of framing communication are developed and tested to identify the most appropriate ones according to the different psychological characteristics of the interlocutors.
Ongoing Research Projects:

Framing Food Communication
This research area focuses on how to make food communication more effective, to promote purchasing and consumption choices in harmony with the health and well-being of people, as well as with the environment. Different communication framing modes are developed and tested to identify the most appropriate ones according to the different psychological characteristics of the interlocutors.
Ongoing Research Projects:

Framing Environment
This research area examines the effects of communication aimed at promoting public policies of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The focus is on the effects of pre-current communication, a strategic representation of possible future scenarios.
Ongoing Research Projects: